Timelapse from October 28th, 2022
Weather History for October 28th, 2022:
Rain at times heavy ending after midnight then cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. Amount 15 to 25 mm. Wind south 40 km/h gusting to 60 except southeast 60 gusting to 80 near Bowen Island early this evening. Wind becoming south 20 gusting to 40 this evening then light after midnight. Temperature steady near 6.
Camera Installation: | Assisted by Stephen J Birkill |
Front-end Framework: | Bootstrap |
Fonts: | Montserrat & Roboto Slab |
Video Playback: | VideoJS & videojs-contrib-hls |
Weather Description & Warnings: | Environment Canada |
Weather Icons: | Based on Weathericons.io |
Moon Position Data: | Based on SunCalc-PHP |
Moon Phase Display: | Based on Moon Phase Painter |
Star Position Data: | PyEphem |
WebSocket Comms: | Mosquitto & Eclipse Paho |
Charts: | Google Charts |