Timelapse from March 8th, 2019
Weather History for March 8th, 2019:
Mainly cloudy. 60 percent chance of rain showers changing to 60 percent chance of flurries this evening. Risk of thunderstorms early this evening. Windy over southern sections overnight. Low minus 2. Wind chill minus 4 overnight.
Camera Installation: | Assisted by Stephen J Birkill |
Front-end Framework: | Bootstrap |
Fonts: | Montserrat & Roboto Slab |
Video Playback: | VideoJS & videojs-contrib-hls |
Weather Description & Warnings: | Environment Canada |
Weather Icons: | Based on Weathericons.io |
Moon Position Data: | Based on SunCalc-PHP |
Moon Phase Display: | Based on Moon Phase Painter |
Star Position Data: | PyEphem |
WebSocket Comms: | Mosquitto & Eclipse Paho |
Charts: | Google Charts |