Timelapse from December 24th, 2018
Weather History for December 24th, 2018:
Periods of rain mixed with wet snow ending near midnight then mainly cloudy with 40 percent chance of rain showers or flurries. Windy near Bowen Island overnight. Low zero.
Camera Installation: | Assisted by Stephen J Birkill |
Front-end Framework: | Bootstrap |
Fonts: | Montserrat & Roboto Slab |
Video Playback: | VideoJS & videojs-contrib-hls |
Weather Description & Warnings: | Environment Canada |
Weather Icons: | Based on Weathericons.io |
Moon Position Data: | Based on SunCalc-PHP |
Moon Phase Display: | Based on Moon Phase Painter |
Star Position Data: | PyEphem |
WebSocket Comms: | Mosquitto & Eclipse Paho |
Charts: | Google Charts |